SIC Team at Marseille, Dec. 2016
« We, young Spanish, Slovene, French and Greek ambassadors of the European Project «Sharing Is Caring – Refugees» are asking you to help us to combat the stereotypes that exist about refugees.
We propose you to participate in a contest to imagine «informational boxes» which will contain life stories, information about the situation of the refugees in Europe and exchanges offers between refugees and local people.
Because the refugees are also rich in skills, good will and desire to make themselves useful !
Informational boxes must be able to be self-made at minimal cost with tools commonly used by volunteers from the refugee associations that will put them into service.

A classical European palette
That’s why we want them to be based on a simple European palette materials !
We will select one candidate per participating country by means of a public vote on this website.
Another winner will be selected for each country by a jury of representative people.
In each partner country, we will display the 3D models of the winning projects through an exhibition.
We will also publish a catalog presenting all the projects.
Finally, we have a small budget to invite the young laureates (compulsory, aged between 18 and 30) who wish to present their creations personally in Barcelona in June and in Larissa in September 2017.
We hope to help this way to improve the reception of newly arrived refugees in Europe.
Do your part ! »
To enter this contest, we just ask you to send us your application by May 16, 2017 at midnight at hello@sharing-is-caring-refugees.eu with :

Sketchup software and European palette
- The computer file of your informational box proposal realized with free 3D modeling software Sketchup.
You can download here an European palette Sketchup model file to work with - A text of 500 signs maximum presenting your idea and Some administrative informations in this fillable pdf file
An action led by the associations DRPDNM (Novo Mesto, Slovenia), GO (Marseille, France), IED (Larissa, Greece) and PIC (Barcelona, Spain) with the support of the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.