My name is Antzela Hainderasi and I am 25 years old. I was born in Albania. Before the Albanian civil war, my family and I decided to move to Greece for a better life. It was spring before the war of ’97 in Albania started, so I don’t have any memories about what happened.
When we arrived to Greece we settled in Salamis Island, which is located near to Athens. In Salamis, was living my aunt whereat we had a person that could helped us to adapt. So, we lived in my aunt’s house for the first months.
At the beginning, the all situation to move from one to another place was difficult for us but I adapted easily. My parents didn’t have many difficulties to find a job, because those years there were jobs.
In my school years, I didn’t encounter any kind of racism. Fortunately, in Salamis there are few people who are racists. Most of the Greek people were very hospitable.
After my school years, I went to university. I study in Business and Economics in the Technological Institute of Thessaly in Greece. Now, I am at the final steps to finish the university. My really interest is in Management, so I try always to improve my knowledge and skills on this.
I believe that all people are equal and they should have all the same opportunities and rights. Because, I grew up in another country, my point of view is that everybody should help people that come to a new country for them and make them feel no different.