Life story of Aggeliki MANTSE

My name is Aggeliki Mantse and I am 20 years old. I was born in Albania. When I was 10 years old we left Albania for a better life in Greece. When we arrived, we dwelt in a city, Farsala, where we settled down and we still live in the same city.

At the beginning, the all situation to move from one to another place was difficult for us. Especially for me, I was a monk and I left behind all my passes and I came to an unknown part, I remember the summer and I did not know either the language I knew to speak, but i adapted easily. My parents didn’t have many difficulties to find a job, because those years there were jobs.

In my school years, Initially I faced a small racism from the other children but then we got to know each other better and we started to hang out with!

After my school years, I went to an IEK and started to sue in the administration and economics department. Now, I am in the last stage to finish my studies. My really interest is in Management, so I try always to improve my knowledge and skills on this.

I hope that one-day people will understand that everyone has rights and opportunities as a whole and whether he is an Albanian or a Greek or Pakistani. Because, I grew up in another country, my point of view is that everybody should help people that come to a new country for them and make them feel no different.